Understand the voice of the customers

Activate your own model in 30 mins and enjoy the benefits of AI and text analysis. Labelf provides you with easy-to-apply AI models that quantify texts and assist you dive deeper into what customers say.
Build your own AI model in an afternoon.
Coding knowledge not required.

What benefits can you get with Labelf?

Quantify texts

Data consists in many different forms. While numbers are the easiest to be visualized and extracted, it is very time consuming to process texts. Also, effectively turning unstructured texts into useful information is beneficial. AI models make text quantification possible and valuable.

Deep dive into historical data

After labeling your historical data with AI models, you will be able to transform them into insightful information. Understanding the voice of customers (VoC) is the key to improving your products and services by “listening” to your customers.

Improve help center info

Diving into historical data allows you to substantiate your customers’ concerns and improve the content of your help center. A well-built help center provides valuable information and solutions to the common problems, potentially decreasing the chance of answering repetitive requests. 

Create new metrics for analysis

It also allows for a new way of performance measurement, extracting more information than you could possibly get from numbers. For example, combining various factors, you can dive deeper into customer perceptions, your business performance, and the most valuable attributes. (see the diagram below)

Reduce churn and improve customer retention

More types of data sources both make you understand your customers better and allow you to allocate your resources to what matters most. With accurate predictions, your organization can perform higher agility and quicker reaction based on real-time data. Instead of passively reacting to customers’ needs, you also have the ability to troubleshoot the problems before they appear.

Data-driven decision making

Incorporating quantified texts, you will not make decisions solely based on the “numbers”. Your decision making criteria can include the causes (e.g. bad quality or long delivery time)  rather than entirely based on the results (e.g. churn). Moreover, understanding more substantially the voice of your customers also benefits your strategy development. 

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What is VoC?

VoC (Voice of the Customer) intuitively means what your customers are saying! VoC can include their expectations, their preferences, their feedback, their aversions, and so forth. By truly understanding the voice of your customers, you have better chances to meet their needs and expectations, improve your products and services, and therefore increase your customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Finding valuable information form the data

Instead of bothering (ex-)customers who want to leave or just left with surveys and interviews, you can use AI to data-mine previous customer interactions and reviews. For example, after quantifying the texts with designated categories and sentiment analysis, the AI model can sort the texts into different classifications and visualize the data of text.

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Areas for VoC analysis

Use Labelf AI to better understand you customers by analysing these data sources
Support Tickets
Social Media Trends
Customer Reviews
Qualitative Feedback
Survey Data

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