We are proud to announce our integration with Zapier.
It is now possible to connect us with over 4000 other apps, making it easier than ever for you to use Custom AI everywhere.
You can find us in their repository or direct visit our landing page in their respository of apps: https://zapier.com/apps/gmail/integrations/labelf-ai/928661/classify-text-with-labelf-for-new-emails-in-gmail

Zapier is a no-code integration platform that allows you to connect all your businesses apps and let them communicate through zaps.
Labelf is a no-code NLP platform that allows anyone to create a completely custom text classifier. You can create your own AI models in less than an hour to automate, analyze and monitor your tasks.
What can you use it for!?
- Tag your incoming tickets in Github, Freshdesk, drift or Jira to label issues and support requests. With these labels you can easier manage your issues, analyze and automate your workflow.
- Find sales leads on twitter and other channels. Are people discussing a problem you can solve?
- Moderate your content on Slack and Discord. Is someone posting a feature suggestion? Do they need support? Keep on top of your community.
- Your imagination in the limit!
It's time to show what you can do with a little imagination and want to have som fun at work:
Make Labelfs discord bot react to jokes!
We wanted to add some personality to our friendly mascot Nisse the Labelf. So when ever someone posts a joke we would like Labelf to react! We uploaded some data containing jokes and news titles to teach Nisse what a joke looks like. I wont go into the steps of training a model but its quite fast and easy and here you can look at this post to see how: https://www.labelf.ai/blog/battling-online-toxic-behaviour
Now that we have a suitable model, we are good to go. We start out by using the Labelf+Discord template which can be found here: https://zapier.com/apps/labelf-ai/integrations

We simply follow the steps in the template to setup Discord and Labelf.

When prompted, pick the workspace that contains the model that you would like to use and finally allow Zapier to access your Labelf account.

Next, you have to pick the model you would like to use.

Now we are almost done!

We just have to modify the template a little bit to allow Zapier to give feedback to good jokes!

Done! Lets try out our Zap!

That's it
That's how simple it is to set up a workflow in Zapier with Labelf! We can't wait to see what you will build.
Psst, you can try out the bot yourself by joining our discord server: https://discord.gg/zgw68nPBm4